Avraham Fried: The Traditional Jewish Blessing for Sons

This video features Avraham Fried singing the blessing for sons in a large open-air amphitheater in Jerusalem, accompanied by a large male choir. In order to show respect for the sanctity of God’s name, the word “Hashem” (literally, “the name”) is substituted. Popular in American, Orthodox circles, the well known composer and performer sings this song with the Asheknazic pronunciation often used in American Yeshivish communities. Avraham Fried performs and records pop-style (Orthodox) Jewish-themed songs as well as cantorial numbers in Hebrew and Yiddish.

Avraham Fried: The Traditional Jewish Blessing for Sons

This video features Avraham Fried singing the blessing for sons in a large open-air amphitheater in Jerusalem, accompanied by a large male choir. In order to show respect for the sanctity of God’s name, the word “Hashem” (literally, “the name”) is substituted. Popular in American, Orthodox circles, the well known composer and performer sings this song with the Asheknazic pronunciation often used in American Yeshivish communities. Avraham Fried performs and records pop-style (Orthodox) Jewish-themed songs as well as cantorial numbers in Hebrew and Yiddish.