Seven Circles: A Wedding Poem Inspired by Kabbalah

Seven Circles: A Wedding Poem Inspired by Kabbalah

This poem is based on the Jewish wedding custom wherein the bride circles the groom seven times underneath the Chuppah. Written from the perspective of the bride, the poem provides a blessing or intention for each of the circles, based on the Kabbalistic concept that each one represents one of the seven lower sefirot (the attributes through which God reveals Himself in the world). This poem was shared on Ritualwell, a project of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College that provides a platform for creating new Jewish practices and observances. 

Seven Circles

Seven times encircling my beloved

Beneath this fragrant canopy, our home 
The seven circles of my love for you
The seven blessings of our wedding day.

Seven are our vows today, my love
Seven the days of the week
And the Sabbath is the seventh day 
The Holy Bride, the Sabbath Queen.

The first circle is chesed
I circle you with lovingkindness

The second circle is gevurah
I bless you with strength

The third circle is tiferet
May harmony rule in our home

The fourth circle is netzach
The circle of victory
May goodness triumph always

The fifth circle is hod
The shining radiance of God's glory 
Reflected on our faces today
On our wedding day

The sixth circle is yesod
The firm foundation 
May the bedrock of our love and faith 
Sustain us come what may

The seventh circle is malchut
The sphere of Kingship 
Today I am your Sabbath Queen

Yasis Alayich Elohayich 
Kimsos Hatan Al Kallah 

Your God shall rejoice in you 
As a Bridegroom rejoices
In his Bride

Ve'erastich li
I shall bind you to me 
Be’emunah – in faith 
Be'hesed – in lovingkindness 
Uv'rahaimim – and in compassion

With this dance
I thee wed.

Seven Circles: A Wedding Poem Inspired by Kabbalah

Seven Circles: A Wedding Poem Inspired by Kabbalah

This poem is based on the Jewish wedding custom wherein the bride circles the groom seven times underneath the Chuppah. Written from the perspective of the bride, the poem provides a blessing or intention for each of the circles, based on the Kabbalistic concept that each one represents one of the seven lower sefirot (the attributes through which God reveals Himself in the world). This poem was shared on Ritualwell, a project of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College that provides a platform for creating new Jewish practices and observances. 

Seven Circles

Seven times encircling my beloved

Beneath this fragrant canopy, our home 
The seven circles of my love for you
The seven blessings of our wedding day.

Seven are our vows today, my love
Seven the days of the week
And the Sabbath is the seventh day 
The Holy Bride, the Sabbath Queen.

The first circle is chesed
I circle you with lovingkindness

The second circle is gevurah
I bless you with strength

The third circle is tiferet
May harmony rule in our home

The fourth circle is netzach
The circle of victory
May goodness triumph always

The fifth circle is hod
The shining radiance of God's glory 
Reflected on our faces today
On our wedding day

The sixth circle is yesod
The firm foundation 
May the bedrock of our love and faith 
Sustain us come what may

The seventh circle is malchut
The sphere of Kingship 
Today I am your Sabbath Queen

Yasis Alayich Elohayich 
Kimsos Hatan Al Kallah 

Your God shall rejoice in you 
As a Bridegroom rejoices
In his Bride

Ve'erastich li
I shall bind you to me 
Be’emunah – in faith 
Be'hesed – in lovingkindness 
Uv'rahaimim – and in compassion

With this dance
I thee wed.