ארכיון של ספטמבר 2018
Guide to the Ashamnu Portion of the Vidui (Confessions)
This link provides introductory information to the "Ashamnu" part of the Vidui (Confession) liturgy, including the Hebrew, English and transliterated text, as well as a step-by-step guide for how to recite this prayer. "Ashamnu" is an alphabetical acrostic of 22
Conservative Kol Nidrei and Yom Kippur Evening Services
This excerpt from the Conservative Machzor Lev Shalom for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts for the entire Yom Kippur evening service, including Kol Nidrei, Selichot and Vidui. With commentaries and related readings on the sides of the
'לקראת שנה'- פיוט מוזיקלי עכשווי לראש השנה
בעמוד זה ניתן לצפות בקליפ שנוצר לפיוט 'לקראת שנה', שנכתב בידי ד"ר יעקב מעוז והולחן בידי מיכה ביטון. הפיוט מתכתב עם המקורות ומבטא תחושה של תקווה והתחדשות לקראת השנה החדשה. את הפיוט מבצעים מיכה ביטון (גיטרה ושירה) והזמרת ליאורה יצחקי
How to Observe Yom Kippur 2018
This introductory article from Chabad.org explains the history, customs and deep spiritual significance of Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. The article briefly outlines what to do (and not do!) before, during and after Yom Kippur, as well as the the structure of
Tips for an Easy Fast
In this practical article from Judaism 101, the author, Tracey Rich, provides helpful tips to stay healthy during the Yom Kippur fast. Including suggestions for before and during the fast, this article suggests what types of food, drink and activity can help and
Yom Kippur Cheat Sheet: Readings to Help You Focus
This 4-page long PDF document is full of profound poems, prayers, quotes and readings that will help you focus on the essence of Yom Kippur – so you don't "cheat" yourself out of all the holiday has to offer by
A Guide to Yom Kippur Prayers
This informative article by Conservative Rabbi Daniel Kohn provides a guide for Yom Kippur prayer services, including the origins, content, and rituals of each of the five services: Kol Nidrei, Shacharit, Mussaf, Mincha, and Neilah. The article summarizes the themes, Torah and haftarah readings, and
'אוחילה לאל'- יצחק מאיר ואודי דוידי
בעמוד זה ניתן להאזין ולקרוא את מילות הפיוט 'אוחילה לאל', אשר נהוג לבצע כחלק מתפילות יום הכיפורים והימים הנוראים בבתי כנסת אשכנזיים. הפיוט, המבוסס על פסוקים מהמקורות (משלי טז' א, תהילים נא' יז) ומתכתב עמם, מביע את התקווה והאמונה כי הקב"ה יקבל
Yom Kippur: The Three Levels of Forgiveness
In this 3.5 minute long video from Aish.com, Orthodox Rabbi, Etiel Goldwicht explores how to truly forgive someone who has hurt you before Yom Kippur. Rabbi Goldwicht delves deep into the three different Hebrew words for forgiveness, each one revealing an insight
What is Yom Kippur?
This 4-minute long animated video presents an excellent overview of the origins, significance and customs of Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. Useful for people of all ages and backgrounds, it briefly introduces the different parts of the synagogue services, as well as