ארכיון של 2018
Traditional Sukkot Blessings
This site presents the traditional Hebrew, English and transliterated texts for some of the prayers and blessings recited on Sukkot, including Kiddush, the blessings for dwelling in the Sukkah and bidding it farewell at the end of the holiday, and the
Sukkot Blessings:
This site presents the traditional Hebrew, English and transliterated texts for some of the prayers and blessings recited on Sukkot, including Kiddush, the blessings for dwelling in the Sukkah and bidding it farewell at the end of the holiday, and the
Conservative Egalitarian Seder Ushpizin
This excerpt from the Conservative Or Hadash Commentary on Siddur Sim Shalom provides the Hebrew and English text of an egalitarian version of the Kabbalistic tradition of Ushpizin (Aramaic for guests), wherein on each night of Sukkot we invite different Jewish forefathers to symbolically visit our
Egalitarian Seder Ushpizin
This Egalitarian Seder Ushpizin provides a parallel Hebrew and English text that can be used to fulfill an egalitarian version of the Kabbalistic tradition of Ushpizin (Aramaic for guests), wherein on each night of Sukkot we invite different Jewish forefathers to symbolically visit our Sukkah.
Egalitarian Seder Ushpizin
This Egalitarian Seder Ushpizin provides a parallel Hebrew and English text that can be used to fulfill an egalitarian version of the Kabbalistic tradition of Ushpizin (Aramaic for guests), wherein on each night of Sukkot we invite different Jewish forefathers to symbolically visit our Sukkah.
Welcoming the Ushpizot: A Complete Guide
This thorough article provides everything you need to know in order to run a meaningful, educational and spiritual program about the Ushpizot (Aramaic for female guests) in your community. According to the Kabbalistic tradition of Ushpizin, on each night of
This amusing and informative video (05:22) introduces the origins and significance of the Jewish value of hospitality at all times, and especially on the holiday of Sukkot, where we have a Kabbalisitic tradition of inviting Ushpizin – different Jewish patriarchs to symbolically visit our
When & How to Build a Sukkah & What to Do Inside It
This amusing and comprehensive video provides a practical introduction to the festival of Sukkot, including when and how to build a kosher Sukkah, what to do in it, and why. Rabbi John Carrier of Reform Burbank Temple Emanuel explains how fasting and afflicting our
How & Why to Shake the Lulav & Etrog
In this clear, instructional video, Jesse M. Olitzky from the Conservative Congregation Beth El in New Jersey introduces each of the Four Species waved on the Sukkot holiday, including a demonstration of this ritual and an explanation of the spiritual significance
A Thorough Introduction to Sukkot
This thorough article by Tracey Rich from Judaism 101 provides a comprehensive introduction to the history, customs and spiritual significance of the biblical festival of Sukkot, including what constitutes a kosher Sukkah, an outline of special holiday prayer services, and different explanations for the symbolism
Vesamachta Bechagecha: A Sukkot Song
This video features students from the Boys Town Jerusalem school singing a traditional Sukkot song. All about being happy during this joyous festival, the lyrics, which come from biblical verses in which God commands the Jewish people to celebrate the
A Kids' Tour of the Sukkah Exhibit at Neot Kedumim
This amusing video provides a virtual tour of some of the most unusual booths featured at the Sukkah Exhibit at the Neot Kedumim Biblical Nature Reserve in Israel, including a 32 foot tall Sukkah and one built on a boat!
כאן | איך מבקשים סליחה?
בעמוד זה ניתן לצפות בסרטון קצר (כ-3 דקות) של המגישה ענת קורול מתאגיד 'כאן', העוסק בשאלת האופן הנכון לבקש סליחה מאדם אחר שפגענו בו. כפי שמתאר הסרטון, ישנם כמה כללים מנחים היוצרים תהליך של בקשת סליחה כנה ואמיתית, שמצליחה גם
Moishe House: How to Build a Sukkah + Blessings
In this casual, animated video, Joshua Walters shares how to build a Sukkah, including the basics of what constitutes a kosher Sukkah. With fun animations and an English transliteration of two blessings recited on Sukkot, this video is aimed towards young adults with
Moishe House: How to Build a Sukkah + Blessings
In this casual, animated video, Joshua Walters shares how to build a Sukkah, including the basics of what constitutes a kosher Sukkah. With fun animations and an English transliteration of two blessings recited on Sukkot, this video is aimed towards young adults with