ארכיון של 2018
יום הכיפורים בשבי הנאצי- מתוך אתר הספרייה הלאומית
בעמוד זה ניתן למצוא קישור למאמר מאתר הספרייה הלאומית, המתאר את חוויית יום הכיפורים במחנה ההשמדה הנאצי. המאמר מביא את מכתבו של אדם בשם א. א.ס (הכותב בעילום שם) מספטמבר 45' (יום הכיפורים הראשון לאחר סיום מלחה"ע ה-2), בו הוא
זה האדם שרצית להיות? עודד הרוש עושה חשבון נפש
בעמוד זה ניתן לצפות בסרטון אישי קצר (2:30 דקות) של העיתונאי עודד הרוש מתאגיד 'כאן', העוסק בחשבון נפש פנימי לקראת יום הכיפורים. כפי המקובל, הימים שלפני יום הכיפורים מהווים הזדמנות לחשבון נפש ובחינה מעמיקה ומדוקדקת של התנהלותנו בעולם. ימים אלו
Fountainheads: Living In A Booth
A parody of Marry You by Bruno Mars, this high-energy music video features The Fountainheads singing a fun, light-hearted song about the excitement and joy of building and dwelling in a Sukkah. The Fountainheads is an all-volunteer, student-led artistic project, led by young Israeli singers,
A Soulful Ecclesiastes & Sukkot Song
This animated music video connects the biblical Book of Ecclesiastes to the Jewish festival of Sukkot, through an R&B song by Israeli singer/songwriter, Hadara Levin Areddy, known for her edgy lyrics. Attributed to King Solomon, described in Jewish tradition as the wisest man
Sukkot 101: The LEGO Movie
This 4-minute long LEGO stop motion animation video presents an excellent introduction to the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, including the biblical origins and spiritual meaning behind all of the unique rituals, as well as a humorous account of some of the most
Deconstructed Al Het Activity
This link will lead you to a detailed outline of a ritual activity based on the traditional "Al Het" confessional prayer, wherein the community collectively confess their sins together during Yom Kippur prayer services. This ritual, which can be performed
The eScapegoat: A Modern Take on the Biblical Yom Kippur Ritual
This humorous, animated video introduces the eScapegoat – a modern take on the biblical ritual where the sins of the nation were symbolically transferred to a goat, who was then sent off to the wilderness on Yom Kippur to atone
Turning & Returning: A Yom Kippur Poem
This poetic prayer by Rabbi Shelly Barnathan asks God to help us connect to the pure essence of our divine soul on Yom Kippur – as both individuals and a community. Based on the idea that Teshuvah, often translated as
A Book of Jonah Play for Yom Kippur Afternoon
This post offers the 12-page script of a creative play designed to supplement or replace the reading of the Book of Jonah on Yom Kippur afternoon. A novel way to bring out the deeper meaning of the biblical story, the play is
Mareh Kohen: A Song About the High Priest's Yom Kippur Service
This post provides an audio recording of "Mareh Kohen," a song from the Yom Kippur Mussaf prayer service that attempts to capture the immense joy, relief and gratitude of the High Priest upon exiting the Holy of Holies following the
Jazz/Classical/Folk Version of Sephardic El Nora Alila Piyut
In this video, Italian Jewish singer Charlette Shulamit Ottolenghi performs a unique version of El Nora Alila, combining jazz, classical and folk music for this Sephardic liturgical prayer sung at the beginning of the Neilah service at the end of Yom Kippur.
The Thirteen Attributes of Mercy
This video presents a popular Ashkenazi melody for the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy. Enumerated in Exodus 34:6–7 these Divine Attributes are frequently recited in the selichot penitential prayers before and after Rosh Hashanah, as well as in the Yom Kippur services. This video
Ki Anu Amecha: A Yom Kippur Piyut
This video presents a well known melody for "Ki Anu Amecha," one of the most iconic pieces from the Yom Kippur liturgy, in which we invoke God's forgiveness by describing many different metaphors for the human-divine relationship. With on screen
Leonard Cohen: Who By Fire
This video presents Who By Fire, a haunting song by the late Jewish Canadian singer-songwriter, poet and novelist Leonard Cohen based on the liturgical prayer, Unetaneh Tokef, recited during prayer services on both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in many communities. Powerful and dramatic,
'מתנה לחג' – פסח | שאנן סטריט
בעמוד זה ניתן לצפות בתכנית המלאה מתוך סדרת התכניות 'מתנה לחג' המוגשת ע"י המוזיקאי שאנן סטריט (סולן 'הדג נחש') ומשודרת בערוץ כאן 11. הפרק הראשון בסדרה מוקדש לחג הפסח. הסדרה מהווה מסע דוקומנטרי הבודק את השפעת החגים והמושגים השונים על